$88.00 CAD

Heulandite helps you gain access to the deepest parts of your heart, while reaffirming its connection to your emotional body. It brings out the daunting experiences and emotions we have felt the need to suppress for too long and offers the courage and willpower to finally let go of these emotions and stresses. As the weight gets released, space for growth is created. Heulandite reinforces the importance of listening to your intuition and following the path of our spirit guides.

Supports the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra

116g // Approximate size: 2.25" x 1.75"

Heulandite Cluster

– K.M.

"Thank you Chelsea. Just redid my alter and the Moss Agate sphere is just perfection. And the Stilbite gift is an unexpected perfection for what I'm doing right now. Though unlikely to be surprising to you, that's why you sent it. I so appreciate you!"

– Z.H.

 "Thank you so much for the crystals. They are absolutely gorgeous! These beauties have so much positive radiant energy in them. I could feel them as I was unpacking each one. They’re exactly what I needed for my healing!"

 – M.N.

"I obsessed over my Spirit Quartz for well over a month before I bought it and THANK GOODNESS it was still available! It felt so special unwrapping my little gift to myself. Now it sits in my living room and I get to enjoy it every day, adding beauty and good energy to my space."

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